The Mexican tostadas are a combination of many ingredients that are delicious, fresh and very practical because in a very short time a meal can be solved. These tostadas can be seen as food mountains and when you finish preparing them we are sure that you will agree with us.
These food mountains also have as base a hard and crispy tortilla, to which refried beans are smeared. Then over the refried beans chicken, Mexican cream, avocado, lettuce and more ingredients are put; that give a fresh, elaborated and very tasty flavor.
In Mexico the tostadas are normally served as appetizer although this is a big and filling appetizer. Therefore make sure that the main course will be light because it is possible that you won’t be able to eat so much food.
About the Recipe
In this recipe the chicken will be cooked, then ingredients are going to be chopped and at the end the tostadas will be made. Definitely a recipe that doesn’t require much experience in the kitchen.