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– Your Business –

This is the only place of all the site where we are going to leave our topic that we love ant that we are so passionate about “The Mexican Food", to talk about another very interesting topic too – Businesses.

My best recommendation is that if you have a website monetize it with Ezoic, you really have to give them a chance, they are really that great, I guarantee you that you won’t regret it.

We know what you are thinking, oh no here we go again a method to make you rich overnight... the other way around, this service and product that we are going to present you has all the necessary tools to build a real business in which you will have to work a lot to establish a true and solid business; which can become profitable and very lucrative. That is the “online business".

Then if you are looking forward to start a business and you are in one of these situations:

For all these cases and more there is a product that will interest you...

It is called SBI (Site Build It!) Opens in Another Page and it really is amazing. It is a company that was founded in 1997 by Dr. Ken Evoy which offers to people like you and us all the needed tools to make business online in a successful and profitable way by creating web sites or blogs Opens in Another Page which are focused in the topic that passionates you the most. Opens in Another Page

The online business is formed by a methodology, which is proven to generate fantastic results in the e-business:
C T P M (Content, Traffic, Presell and Monetize).


Content.- Web users are looking for information, for solutions. They are not looking for you – not yet. They are looking for what you know. Give them what they want. Convert your knowledge into content that is in demand. To have success online you have to start where they start – “searching".

Traffic.- The content of your topic starts ranking high at the search engines like: Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. Which attracts free visitors that are interested in your topic.

Presell.- This traffic starts trusting you for providing original and quality content.

Monetize.- Convert your traffic in customers and income. This is the easy part, monetizing, but it cannot occur if you fail in executing the C T P that is the motor that generates the M (monetize) and without a motor there is no M. Here is where 99% of the businesses fail and breakdown.

How can I do a business online if don’t know anything about it?

Ok SBI starts to interest me but I don’t have nor the knowledge nor the skills to make a web page.

It is the year 2018, internet has been working for a long time, there are many well stablished businesses and there is no room for more?

It is impossible to generate money online it is pure spam?

Ok I like it, but how much money can I make?

How much time it will take me to have my business well stablished in the internet?

I already saw some SBI pages and they are not pretty?

I like SBI but how much is it going to cost me?

There are companies that offer hosting, where websites can be built for about $10?

All this information is good but I would like to have a type of course that could detail more what e-business is?

All this information is great really amazing but I would like to have a little more proofs...

Is there something that SBI cannot do in the e-business?

I really like everything about SBI but I don’t have the time to build a site.

My english is not good, can this be a problem?

I like SBI I think that it is perfect for me, but what can I do if I have any further question?

I am ready to buy SBI where can I order it?

How can I do a business online if don’t know anything about it?

Just watch this video Opens in Another Page it will help you to clarify many doubts. Where you will really see how SBI works with its SBIers (that’s how SBI owners are called). This video is a little long it lasts 30 minutes but this will be the best invested 30 minutes of your life in the world of online business. Prepare yourself because your jaw will drop.


Ok SBI starts to interest me but I don’t have nor the knowledge nor the skills to make a web page.

If you are capable of checking your email and sending a mail you are ready you really don’t need anything else. SBI offers all the tools needed with BB2 Opens in Another Page to make a web site in a simple, friendly and professional way. Although if you want to make your web site with your own software it is also possible.


It is the year 2018, internet has been working for a long time, there are many well stablished businesses and there is no room for more?

Incorrect, yes internet has been working for a long time but for our good luck there is lots of trash in the net. For this reason there is still plenty of space to make good quality sites that work that provide value to the users. These are the sites that have the potential of becoming online businesses.


It is impossible to generate money online it is pure spam?

False, see Google, Facebook, Amazon. Businesses that are stablished online which generate millions of dollars. You can also form part of that elite.


Ok I like it, but how much money can I make?

Welcome to the world of business, it cannot be predicted how much money your site will generate. What is a fact is that if you generate the traffic of people, if you captivate your audience the monetization options are endless. There is lots of money in the internet industry, you only have to generate the means to channel it to you.


How much time it will take me to have my business well stablished in the internet?

Once again welcome to the world of business, it cannot be known. It will take you as long as it has to take you. You simply have to put the work, the time and the patience – and sooner or later you will achieve it.


I already saw some SBI pages and they are not pretty?

That’s true there are some SBI pages that don’t have great designs but that doesn’t matter that much. The people don’t surf the internet for designs, the people surf the internet searching for information searching for answers and that’s what you are here for.

– Just see the page google.com it is not pretty and it is extremely simple there is only a top bar a logo a search bar and some links at the end. Well that page generate millions of dollars. Although the SBIers pages are already becoming prettier, that’s for aesthetic purposes only.


I like SBI but how much is it going to cost me?

That’s the beauty of SBI it only costs $29.99 usd per month or $299 usd per year. It really is a good deal! Moreover there is no risk involved as you have 90 days to test SBI! if you would not like the program you will get all your money back. Remember 90 days not 91, nor 92 – 90 days maximum.


There are companies that offer hosting, where websites can be built for about $10?

That’s true but you will only have a web site not a web business, big difference – and if you wish to make of this internet sites a business it will cost you thousands of dollars and lots of time to figure it out how to make business on the internet. While in SBI you get all the tools needed to make an e-business Opens in Another Page for just $299 per year.


Libro SBI!All this information is good but I would like to have a type of course that could detail more what e-business is?
We can gladly offer you for free the following e-books that will help you further illustrate what e-business is:


All this information is great really amazing but I would like to have a little more proofs...

Sure, see the next page Opens in Another Page full of proofs that SBI does work and it works fine. Also see the successful results that SBIers have achieved. Opens in Another Page


Is there something that SBI cannot do in the e-business?

This is an interesting topic, if you ever ask someone of SBI the answer is no, it can do everything in the online business. However if you ask us the answer is yes. If you want to do the next Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Yahoo, eBay or big sites that require big servers and an army of people working tirelessly on the site then no, I think that SBI doesn’t get that far. If you want to do this you would have to follow another path but for all the other things there is SBI.


I really like everything about SBI but I don’t have the time to build a site.

SBI is really amazing because even in this cases SBI offers a solution by putting at your disposal a specialized agent in building web pages that will make the site for you. For more information go to the next page. Opens in Another Page


My english is not good, can this be a problem?

This can make the challenge of making an internet business bigger but not impossible, as all the information that SBI offers is in english. But all what SBI offers is also in a written format which you could easily translate using an online translator.


I like SBI I think that it is perfect for me, but what can I do if I have any further question?

The SBI expert agents will be happy to assist you in clarifying all your doubts. Contact them here. Opens in Another Page


I am ready to buy SBI where can I order it?

Order SBI here Opens in Another Page by filling a simple form and start enjoying this wonderful service today. For only $299 usd per year or $29.99 usd per month, a great deal.

– Remember that there is no risk involved because if you don’t like the system you have a maximum time period of 90 days to ask for your money back.


Congratulations for you acquisition we know that you will adore the system of SBI! and that you are on your way to build a big internet business that sells.

SBI is fantastic and to put the cherry on the cake we will present more benefits that are offered:

  • Form part of the SiteSell Affiliate Business Opens in Another Page and earn per subscription and lifetime commissions on renewals.
  • It offers forums that are the friendliest places on the internet where SBIers like you and me help each other to achieve their goals.
  • It also offers a great customer service with a team of professionals that are always ready to assist you.

The only thing that we have left to say is that We Love SBI! Opens in Another Page

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