In Mexico is a whole experience to go to a taqueria and see behind a glass a lightbulb that lights many ingredients. Among those ingredients are the chorizo with potatoes and the tortillas.
The taquero simply has to proceed to make the tacos and in matter of seconds you have some tasty tacos in front of you. Now you are going to have the experience of preparing those tacos.
What results formidable of these tacos is that the chorizo’s strong and condimented flavor is softened with the soft flavor of the potato and at the end all these flavors are wrapped with the precise flavor of the maize. You will love them!
The chorizo an potato tacos are not only a main course they can also be served as appetizer on an independent plate or they can be served as garnish of diverse main courses.
About the Recipe
To make this recipe you have to cook, chop and fry ingredients. Those are many activities to perform but they are easy to make.
If you want to give a homemade touch to this recipe prepare the chorizo.
You can also make the corn tortillas so your tacos will have more freshness.
The “Corn Tortillas La Banderita” are excellent to make tacos because they are thin, soft, they have good flavor and the most important... they don’t break at the moment of rolling.
A taco without lime doesn’t have taco’s authentic flavor. For this reason it is very important to put them lime. In case that you don’t have lime, buy this organic limes.
The “Chorizo Palacios” is of very good quality and it has an excellent flavor, perfect for these tacos.