Although it seems inconceivable to think of a ceviche that doesn’t have fish or shellfish of any kind. The reality is that the vegetarian ceviche also exists and the curious thing about this recipe, is that it gives the same sensation of being eating a fish ceviche.
The secret recipe or rather the magic ingredient is the “champignon”. That is the ingredient that is used to substitute the fish and it really does a very good job.
In this ceviche what is got is a type of fresh and light salad; excellent for the sunny days. In this recipe many ingredients are mixed therefore the ceviche’s flavor can be considered very diverse – and it can be served as appetizer with a guacamole or even as main course with a white rice.
About the Recipe
Anybody can prepare this recipe as only ingredients have to be cut and mix.
We recommend using red onion in this ceviche because it gives a touch to the mixture that is fresher and crispy.
The recipe is given with 1 serrano pepper but it is to taste, depending on how spicy you want the ceviche.
Preferably use extra virgin olive oil in the ceviche so it will have a better flavor.