This variation of the pasilla pepper salsa was originated in the northern part of the state of Michoacan, in the area bordering Jalisco and is used in numerous typical dishes from Michoacan like the morisqueta and the corundas.
Since this salsa is fried, we are going to have the softness of the oil wrapping the intense and spicy flavor of the pasilla pepper, the freshness and the acidity of the tomatillo and the strong flavor of the onion. It is a very savory and very different salsa. Although its main application is in typical dishes from Michoacan it could also be used in some dish that you consider appropriate for the salsa.
About the Recipe
In this preparation you are basically going to fry and cook. We consider that it is an easy recipe.
When the pasilla peppers are bought pick the ones that don’t have transparent parts because they have worms.
We give the recipe with olive oil but any type of oil can be used.