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Yellow Mole
from Oaxaca

The mole occupies a predominant place in the Mexican cuisine. As the popular saying goes “There is no party without mole, nor mole without party”. There are numerous varieties of moles in names, colors and flavors.

The yellow mole is one of the famous 7 traditional moles from Oaxaca and indeed, this is a yellow color mole thanks to the yellow chilhuacle pepper. Furthermore like every mole, it is an exquisite combination of spicy and sweet flavors with aniseed notes and a spiced point.

This salsa is perfect to serve with chicken or pork chunks previously cooked and accompanied by a combination of chayote, green beans and some maize balls (chochoyotes) – all this cooked in the yellow mole.

About the Recipe

  • This recipe is not complicated, in fact is one of the easiest moles to make.
  • This mole is prepared with yellow chilhuacle pepper, which is very difficult to get even in Oaxaca. Due to this situation we offer another alternative with guajillo peppers and ancho peppers; which will give a very similar flavor to the chilhuacle pepper however the mole’s color will be a little orange.
  • Another distinctive touch of the yellow mole is that it is seasoned with Mexican pepperleaf, which perfumes the mole and gives a delicious aniseed flavor. Do everything possible to get this leaf.
  • Although the original recipe is prepared with lard you could also use vegetable shortening.
  • The preparation of this mole will take 45 minutes.
  • The recipe yields from 6 to 8 portions.


  • 10 Yellow Chilhuacle Peppers (3.5 oz) or 6 Guajillo Peppers (2.1 oz) and 2 Ancho Peppers (.7 oz)
  • 8 Tomatillos (14.1 oz)
  • 1 Tomato (7 oz)
  • 3 Garlic cloves (.4 oz)
  • 2 Cloves
  • 2 Mexican Pepperleaves (.7 oz)
  • 1 Cinnamon stick (.08 oz)
  • 1 teaspoon of Oregano
  • 3 cups of Chicken Stock (25.3 fl oz)
  • 1 tablespoon of Lard
  • 4 Black Peppercorns
  • 1/2 tablespoon of Salt


  • 1 Saucepan
  • 1 Frying Pan
  • 1 Blender
  • 1 Chopping Board
  • 1 Kitchen Spoon
  • 1 Turner
  • 1 Knife
  • 1 Griddle (optional)
  • 1 Tongs (optional)

  • Directions

    Work with some Ingredients

    If you were lucky and found the chiluacle peppers go to step 3.

    1. Remove the seeds of 2 ancho peppers and 6 guajillo peppers.
    2. Put on a griddle over medium heat the 2 ancho peppers and the 6 guajillo peppers with the ones you worked and roast them for about 2 minutes, until all their sides are moderately roasted; move them regularly with some tongs.
    3. Put in a saucepan:
    • 10 Chilhuacle Peppers or the Chilies that were roasted.
    • 8 Tomatillos.
    • 1 Tomato.
    • The enough Water to cover all the ingredients.

    1. Bring the saucepan water to a boil over high heat and leave the ingredients cooking in the boiling water for about 5 minutes, until the chilies soften.
    2. Transfer from the saucepan to a blender, with a kitchen spoon, all the ingredients that were cooked, also incorporate:

    1. Blend very well the ingredients, then reserve.

    Cook the Mole

    1. Melt in the saucepan over low heat 1 tablespoon of lard.
    2. Incorporate in the saucepan:
    • The Mixture that was blended.
    • 2 Mexican Pepperleaves.
    • 3 cups of Chicken Stock.
    • 1/2 tablespoon of Salt.

    1. Mix the saucepan ingredients and bring the yellow mole to a boil over high heat.
    2. When the yellow mole boils reduce to low heat and cook it for about 10 minutes, until it thickens a little; stir occasionally.
    3. When the cooking is done discard the 2 Mexican pepperleaves.

    Oaxacan Delight

    *People like to garnish the mole with different ingredients, when it is served. Don’t add anything to this mole, leave it simple as it is not prepared with seeds and its flavor can distort.

    Variation: Try a different type of mole with the manchamanteles.

    Did you like the Mole?  

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    Here is the Mexican pepperleaf ready to be used in your mole.

    Use organic pepper so your mole will fill of aroma and of flavor.

    If you want to feel the ancient Mexican traditions, the mole can be cooked in a clay cazuela.